Everything is about psychology of the self, no, everything is about emotion, an exchange of emotions. The performative is not emerging in representing an emotional state, it is rather (in) an attempt to spread the sensible. The essence of art is in making such attempts, yet majority of works we are seeing around are not quite familiar with that idea. But the dance performance Dark Field Analysis is.

The effect of spreading the sensible—on dramaturgical level—is strongest when expression comes to the point (for instance, during the fast repetitive moving on all fours, forward and backwards, diagonally), and not so strong when it is more on the side of representing, as at the beginning which is way (over)loaded with kind of naive narrative. That only means that the text basis of a work is always crucial, even if we do not hear a word on stage. Luckily in this case the burden of text does not critically influence its function, which is to involve us in the “story” developed through both spoken and sung fragmented thoughts.


Jefta van Dinther: Dark Field Analysis. Choreography and direction: Jefta van Dinther. CoFestival, Ljubljana, 24 Nov 2019.


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